This site was built to allow Photographers and Models to gain exposure and sell photo Galleries online. It is intended to be an "Erotica" site, which does not mean porn, or even nudes. Our goal is to provide a very real outlet for displaying and selling your creations, and even gain feedback from viewers and people who buy Erotica online. YOU can be part of it! If this page doesn't answer your questions, ask us via email at

Do I Have To Pay to Post?

NO! Membership for artists is free, you have the same options to purchase content as everyone else. In addition, photographers and models have access to a large library of galleries that are guidelines for quality and posing, and even access to mini courses on photography in general, and Erotic photography specifically.

Are You Expecting Nude Pictures?

Galleries DO NOT have to be nude. You can do tease shoots, lingerie shoots, Bikini shoots, Pin-Up shoots, or whatever works out to fit the "Erotica" label. Ultimately, the customer decides what they want to view, and thus how much you get paid. Within the limits of the law, we have no restrictions on what style of shoot you want to post here. This site is intended for an 18-plus audience only, and is designed to be blocked by net-nanny apps.

You are encouraged to experiment with different styles of shoots to see what the paying customers most want to see, and since we allow customers to contact you (anonymously, or by posting comments on your content if you choose) you can more accurately figure out what people want.

How Much Can I Earn?

At the moment we have no firm answers, since we are still attempting to get started. We believe that a popular model has the potential to earn thousands per month, plus whatever they can get from custom galleries.

We pay 50% of the profit. That's Profit, so understand that this is money that is made AFTER paying for the internet access and other expenses, but these days those are fairly small expenses.

The actual amount you get paid is calculated based on who actually views and downloads your Galleries:

  • Galleries that are individually purchased are split 50%-50%, up to a maximum of $50 to us (If you can find a buyer willing to pay $400 for a custom shoot, perhaps using their special instructions or a specific item – like something from a particular sports team, or something they send you – you will get $350). A large number of users will probably want to just get a single gallery, and the current price is $6.95

  • Customers using a plan have a portion of their plan allocated to online viewing, and a portion allocated to downloads. They have a fixed number of downloads available, with a fixed value for each. You get 50% of this value for each download. The online viewing value is divided by the number of actual views to determine the value of each.

  • We also have a "Lifetime Membership" option for $800. Our plan is to divide their input into 10 years of $80 each.

  • Remember, we deduct Site Operations charges overall. This is a very small percentage to be determined month by month.

  • This means the more people view YOUR galleries, the more you make, so it is in your interest to promote yourself, and to have good quality photographs, and show lots of what customers want to see.

When Would I Get Paid?

Our payment processing occurs on the 3rd of every month, and calculates statistics and payment values for the entire previous month. Payments will be processed via direct transfer at that time. If you don't already have a bank account for your business, you should get one right now. It is also possible for you to get "free" (no fee, or only fees for specific transactions) business bank accounts through most banks that are strictly intended to handle business income. We don't recommend using your regular everyday bank account for this.

Why Should I Sell Galleries Through You?

Several reasons:

  • We legally accept credit cards.

  • The customer gets NO personal information about you from us.

  • We handle the technical aspects of delivering your content to the customer.

  • You can choose to resell the same gallery to more than one customer.

  • We do everything possible to keep pictures from our site away from “social media”.

We also have several ways for you to promote yourself, including your own personal page and blog, and customer interaction. Customers know what they want, now they can communicate that to you.

What about Family and Friends?

WE ALLOW YOU TO BLOCK GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS, either a City, Province, State, or even Country. This will help to avoid the possibility of family, friends and co-workers discovering your Galleries. This does not block people from your content if they have a direct link, which you can send, so the intent is only to prevent casual discovery of your content.

Is This A Porn Site?

NO... but we allow Porn on our site. The difference is that a "Porn site" pays Models one time, up front, to do a shoot, then spends the next few years selling those pictures to make money. For some sites, this can result in the operators making tens of thousands of dollars from pictures that they barely paid anything to get.

We don't think that's a fair business model. Not only does it mean others are making large amounts of money from your work, but it forces models to do a large quantity of shoots to get a decent income, which can eventually lower the quality and demand for that model's shoots.

We Pay At Least 50% of Profits to the Model. Depending on how things work out, that will probably go up over time.

What Do People Do With These Galleries?

The answer to this should be obvious, but we'll state it here anyway. Some people like beautiful pictures of beautiful people. They might use them as their desktop wallpaper for a while. They might make a print and hang it in their bedroom. They might buy a Gallery of a girl that reminds them of someone they know in real life. They may masturbate to them. They might just be curious about anatomy or human bodies in general.

What is the Gallery Format?

This site works primarily with Galleries.

In the old days, Playboy, Penthouse and other adult magazines would have lots of useful articles, erotic fiction, erotic letters, and several featured Models. A photoshoot for a Model might be 5 to 15 pictures, often selected carefully from hundreds of shots in multiple locations, often airbrushed and cropped and otherwise adjusted to make the model look "perfect". Of course, the featured model for each issue was the "centerfold", which folded out for use as a poster. Millions of men would hang these centerfold pictures in lockers, offices, shops, etc. so they could admire the Model's (usually naked) beauty for the month.

Today we do things differently. Instead of a few pictures that are heavily edited, people are more interested in a larger number of pictures, in a group that reflected one location or activity, with very few touch-ups. This is a Gallery. Galleries are usually at least 50, and sometimes as many as 250 pictures. We suggest you try for 80 to 100 pictures per Gallery. While they may only have a few different poses, there can be many shots of the same pose. This means that the consumer chooses their favorite shots rather than some editor in a corporate office. This is the current paradigm for adult picture content, and we like it. It's not unusual to take 500 or more pictures with a digital camera in a shoot, and it's easy to choose enough good ones for a Gallery.

Reality Check

It is IMPOSSIBLE to ensure 100% that your images are secure. That is, once someone purchases access to images they are “out there”. If participating in this site would potentially cause you harm then you need to weigh that potential harm against the possible gains. We do, however, have legal options against people unlawfully distributing content that they have purchased from here and we ensure that Models are at least 18 at the time of each shoot.

Millions of people have nude or erotic pictures “out there”, including your SnapChat and other pictures you may have sent. You're probably posting Erotica now on Facebook or other Social Media where it's practically public, so the chances that your images here could cause you any problems are very small.

How Do I Get Started?

It begins by creating your Free account, and sending us sample pictures or an entire Gallery if you have one, under a secure non-disclosure agreement (ie, we DO NOT publish or distribute sample pictures you send us). Then we will create a Model account for you, so you can view all of our sample galleries (great for posing and ideas) and upload your own content.

If you don't have a Gallery but are interested in getting connected to a qualified photographer, feel free to send sample pictures of yourself.

Sample Pictures:


Use your Name as the Subject of the Email
Remember, you can email directly from your phone!